Workshop on the science of values and identities, European Commission, Brussels.
Workshop on the science of values and identities, 2-3 April 2020, European Commission, Brussels.
Public talks
Workshop on the science of values and identities, 2-3 April 2020, European Commission, Brussels.
Swiss Political Science Association, annual congress 3-4th Feb 2020, Lucerne.
Keynote Talk on ‘Authoritarian-Populism in Digital Societies’
Frohburgstrasse 3, 6002 Luzern
Lucerne, Switzerland
Public lecture on “In praise of skepticism: Trust but verify”, Department of Comparative Politics at the University of Bergen, Norway.
This will followed by presentation of an Honorary Doctorate to Pippa Norris on Wednesday Oct 16th.
A public talk on ‘Populism: Causes and Consequences’, with Pippa Norris and Michael Ignatieff, at the London School of Economics, Houghton Street, London from 5pm-6.30pm on Friday 19th September 2019, Centre Building. http://www.lse.ac.uk/Events/2019/09/20190919t1700vCBA/Populism-causes-and-responses
This event will be followed by a one-day workshop on Saturday 20th September.
Plenary panel at the APSA 115th Annual meeting 29 Aug-1 Sept in Washington DC on “The Crisis of Liberal Pluralism in the Face of Populism”, with William Galston, Sheri Berman and Yasha Mounk. Sat 10.00-11.30am
Die "Hans-Dieter Klingemann Lecture 2019" wird am 4. Juli von Prof. Dr. Pippa Norris (Havard University and University of Sydney) gehalten. Raum: HS 5 Zeit: 12:00-13:30Uhr
Prof. Dr. Pippa Norris referiert zu folgendem Thema “Cultural Backlash and the Rise of Authoritarian Populism”.
Abstract: Rising voting support for parties blending populist and authoritarian appeals has disrupted mainstream party competition in many European societies – and had major consequences worldwide. What explains this phenomenon? The study theorizes that an important part of any explanation lies in perceived cultural threats, where rapid and profound value change in post-industrial societies during recent decades have affected core feelings of social identity, wrapped around values of family, faith and nation. These developments have generated a ‘cultural backlash’ activating authoritarian values and voting support for populist parties with authoritarian policy positions, especially among older and non-college educated citizens.
To consider these issues, Part I develops the conceptual and theoretical framework. Part II estimates the ideological position of all European political parties on Authoritarian and Populist indexes, from expert CHES data. We also operationalize and measures Authoritarian and Populist values in the mass electorate, from the pooled European Social Survey 2002-2014. Part III uses multilevel models to examine the links between values and votes. The conclusion summarizes the key findings and considers their implications.
Pippa Norris ist Professorin für Regierung und Internationale Beziehungen an der University of Sydney und Paul F. McGuire Dozentin für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft an der John F. Kennedy School of Government in Harvard sowie Direktorin des Electoral Integrity Project. Sie ist eine der bekanntesten Forscherinnen auf dem Gebiet "political participation" und erhält im Rahmen des diesjährigen Dies Academicus (Datum: Mittwoch, 3. Juli 2019) die Ehrendoktorwürde der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
The 15th AFSP Congress will take place from 2 to 4 July 2019 in Bordeaux in partnership with Sciences Po Bordeaux . There will be four conferences, including one honoring the work of Pippa Norris, featuring a plenary talk on populism from 5.00-6.00pm on Tuesday 2nd July.
Workshop on the ECPR@50, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the European Consortium of Political Research. The event will be held from 3-4 June 2019 at the European University Institute, Fiesole. The talk will present a paper on “Political science cultures: Academic values, roles and experiences.” based on a new survey of political scientists.
In recent years, many Western countries have witnessed the affirmation of political cultures that oppose the people to the elite and which call for protectionism and the restoration of national sovereignty. At international level, the abandonment of multilateralism is advocated in the name of bilateralism, considering the supranational institutions instituted after the Second World War to be useless or harmful.
What explains these developments? This question will be at the center of the next edition of the Trento Economics Festival, from 30 May to 2 June 2019.
Paper on Trust and Trustworthiness in National and Global Governance. Pippa Norris (Harvard and Sydney Universities), William Jennings (Southampton) and Gerry Stoker (Southampton University)
Plenary breakfast panel talk on “Populism around the World:, at the 74th annual conference of the American Association of Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) annual meeting 19-21 May 2019, Grand Ballroom, Sheraton Center Toronto.
Panel on Brexit with Vernon Bogdanor and Pippa Norris meeting in the Goldman Room, 4.00-5.30pm Thursday 11th April at the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University.
Lunchtime talk by Pippa Norris on Cultural Backlash chaired by Scott Mainwaring at Harvard’s Roy and Lila Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation. All welcome! https://ash.harvard.edu/
Workshop on Electoral Integrity and Constitutional Democracy in Latin America at the Clough Center for Constitutional Democracy, Boston College. https://www.bc.edu/centers/cloughcenter/events.html
Includes new research paper by Pippa Norris on “Does Political Violence Deter Women as Electoral Candidates”
BU talk by Pippa Norris on Cultural Backlash: Nordic populism in comparative perspective.
Electoral integrity and violence panel at APSA in Boston
Panel on populism at APSA’s annual meeting in Boston.
IPSA World Congress 21-25 July 2018
IPSA World Congress Brisbane panel on Elections and Democratic Attitudes Monday 23 July 2018 3.15-5.30pm
The COST Action network brings together researchers to investigate populist political communication and its impact on democratic political life across Europe. The keynote address will present from the forthcoming Norris-Inglehart book on Cultural Backlash.
Presentation on the state of the world's elections at the NSW chapter of the Australian Study of Parliament Group
This symposium seeks to bring together scholars from Europe and America to consider populism and its relationship to the contemporary communication ecology.
Populist challengers have disrupted long established patterns of party competition in many contemporary Western societies, as exemplified by Donald Trump in the US, Marine Le Pen in France, Nigel Farage in the UK, and Geert Wilders in the Netherlands.
The project for a new book Cultural Backlash seeks to analyse the phenomenon of Populist-Authoritarianism and its mass appeal as a style of governance which threatens progressive values as well as core principles and practices of liberal democracy.
NASPAA What can policy schools do to strengthen electoral integrity?
Why do millions of Americans believe in electoral fraud? https://polisci.mit.edu/
Comparative Politics Conference 2017: Populism in Europe, the United States and Russia. The conference will be held at the University Aula in Bergen, Norway, at the 5. and 6. of October 2017. The Sampol-conference is a politically independent academic conference, held every two years by Master students at the Department of Comparative Politics at the University of Bergen.
Chairing panel on electoral integrity in the APSA annual meeting, San Francisco
This is the 11th EIP international workshop deepening knowledge and networks of scholars and practitioners working on electoral integrity.