Books published by Pippa Norris


2025. The Cultural Roots of Democratic Backsliding. (Forthcoming with Oxford University Press).

2022. In Praise of Skepticism: Trust but Verify. New York: Oxford University Press.

2019. Cultural Backlash: Trump, Brexit and Authoritarian Populism. Coauthored with Ronald Inglehart. New York: Cambridge University Press.

2019. Electoral integrity in America: Securing Democracy. Edited with Sarah Cameron and Thomas Wynter. New York: Oxford University Press.

2017. Election Watchdogs. Edited with Alessandro Nai. New York: Oxford University Press.  ISBN: 9780190677817

2017. Why American Elections are Flawed. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.

2017. Strengthening Electoral Integrity. New York: Cambridge University Press.

2016. Checkbook Elections: Political Finance in Comparative Perspective. Edited with Andrea Abel van Es. New York: Oxford University Press.  ISBN: 978-0-19-060361

2015. Why Elections Fail.  New York: Cambridge University Press. Pp.256. ISBN: 9781107679023

2015. Contentious Elections: From Ballots to Barricades. Edited with Richard W. Frank and Ferran Martinez i Coma. New York: Routledge. ISBN: 978-1-138-85302-7.

2015 神圣与世俗 Sacred and Secular Chinese translation from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing.

2015. Sacred and Secular Arabic translation. Doha: Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies.

2014. Sacré et le profane French translation 2014 from Bruxelles: Editions Université.

2014. Why Electoral Integrity Matters. New York: Cambridge University Press. Pp.297.

2014. Comparing Democracies 4: Elections in a Changing World. Edited with Lawrence Leduc and Richard Niemi. London: Sage (Completely revised 4th edition).

2014. Advancing Electoral Integrity. Edited with Richard W. Frank and Ferran Martinez i Coma. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978-0-19-936870-9.

2013. Sacre e secolare 2nd edition. Italian translation, Milan: Egea.

2012. اينگلهارت، رونالد، و نوريس، پيپا، مقدس و عرفي دين و سياست در جهان، ترجمۀ مريم وتر، تهران: انتشارات کوير، 1387 (Persian edition of Sacred and Secular)

2012. Making Democratic Governance Work: How Regimes Shape Prosperity, Welfare and Peace.  New York: Cambridge University Press. Pp.281.

2011. Democratic Deficit: Critical Citizens Revisited New York: Cambridge University Press. pp335.

2010. Public Sentinel: News Media and the Governance Agenda. Washington DC: The World Bank. Pp420.

2010. Comparing Democracies 3: Elections and Voting in the 21st Century. Edited with Lawrence Leduc and Richard Niemi. London: Sage.  (Completely revised 3rd edition, see below 1996 and 2002) Pp293

2009. Sekularisasi Ditinjau Kembali: Agama dan Politik di Dunia Dewasa ini (Indonesian translation of Sacred and Secular: Religion and Politics Worldwide) Jakarta: Pustaka Alvabet.

2009. Sekularisasi Ditinjau Kembali  Diterbitkan atas kerjasama. Jakarta: Pustaka Alvabet. (Indonesian edition of Sacred and Secular).

2009. Sagrado e Secular Portuguese translation of Sacred and Secular, Sao Paolo: Editora Francis. 

2009. Derecha Radical: Votantes y partidos politicos en al mercado electoral Madrid: Akai (Spanish edition of Radical Right)

2009. Cosmopolitan Communications:  Cultural Diversity in a Globalized World. (Coauthored with Ronald Inglehart, New York: Cambridge University Press) Pp.429 ISBN: 9780521738385

2008. Driving Democracy: Do Power-Sharing Institutions Work?  New York: Cambridge University Press.  Pp.306.

2007. The Politics of News: The News of Politics. 2nd edition. With Doris Graber and Denis McQuail. Washington, DC: CQ Press. Pp.268.

2007. Sveto i svjetovno Zagreb: Politicka kultura (Croatian edition of Sacred and Secular)

2007. Sacre e secolare Bologna: il Mulino (Italian edition of Sacred and Secular).

2007. Digital Divide. (Korean edition)

2006. الفارق الرقمي: الميثاق المدني، فقر المعلومات والإنترنيت الدولي /Al-fariq al-raqmi (Arabic edition of Digital Divide). 

2006. Wzbierająca fala, Panstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy (Polish edition of Rising Tide) Crakow: NOMOS. 

2006. Sacrun I profanum: Religia I polityka na siecie.  (Polish translation) Crakow: NOMOS. 

2005. Radical Right: Voters and Parties in the Electoral Market. New York: Cambridge University Press. Pp.349. ISBN:  9780521613859

2005. Britain Votes 2005. With Christopher Wlezien. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2004. 新政府沟通/后工业社会的政治沟通 Shanghai: Shanghai University Press (A Chinese edition of A Virtuous Circle)

2004. Sacred and Secular: Politics and Religion Worldwide. Coauthored with Ronald Inglehart. New York: Cambridge University Press. Pp.370.  (Winner of the 2005 Virginia A. Hodgkinson prize by the Independent Sector). (Revised 2nd edition, spring 2011) ISBN: 9781107648371

2004. Electoral Engineering: Voting Rules and Political Behavior. New York: Cambridge University Press. Pp.360. ISBN: 9780521536714

2003. Rising Tide: Gender Equality & Cultural Change around the World. Coauthored with Ronald Inglehart. New York: Cambridge University Press. Pp.226. ISBN: 9780521529501

2003. Framing Terrorism: The News Media, the Government and the Public. Edited with Montague Kern and Marion Just. New York: Routledge. Pp. 329.

 2002. Democratic Phoenix: Reinventing Political Activism. New York: Cambridge University Press. Pp.290. ISBN: 9780521010535

2002. Comparing Democracies 2: New Challenges in the Study of Elections and Voting. With Lawrence Leduc and Richard Niemi. London: Sage. Pp269. (Completely revised 2nd edition, see below 1996)

2001. Britain Votes 2001. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Pp. 276.

2001 Digital Divide? Civic Engagement, Information Poverty and the Internet Worldwide. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp.303. ISBN: 9780521807517

2000 A Virtuous Circle? Political Communications in Post-Industrial Democracies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp. 398. (Winner of the 2006 Doris A. Graber Award for the best book published in Political Communications). ISBN: 9780521793643

1999. Critical Elections: British Parties and Voters in Long-term Perspective With Geoffrey Evans. London: Sage Publications. Pp. 310.

1999 On Message: Communicating the Campaign. Co-authored by Pippa Norris, John Curtice, David Sanders, Maggie Scammell, and Holli Semetko. London: Sage Publications. Pp.218. ISBN: 9780761960744

1998. Elections and Voting Behaviour. Hampshire: Ashgate Publisher. Pp.542.

1998. Critical Citizens: Global Support for Democratic Governance. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Pp.303.

1998 The Politics of News: The News of Politics. With Doris Graber and Denis McQuail. Washington, DC: CQ Press. Pp.268.

1997. Women, Media, and Politics. New York: Oxford University Press. Pp.269.

1997. Politics and the Press: The News Media and Its Influences. Boulder, Co.: Lynne Rienner Publishers. Pp.333.

1997. Passages to Power: Legislative Recruitment in Advanced Democracies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp.259. ISBN: 9780521599085

1997. Electoral Change since 1945. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. Pp.270.

1997 Britain Votes 1997. With Neil Gavin. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Pp.249.

1996 Women in Politics. With Joni Lovenduski.  Oxford: Oxford University Press. Pp.239.

1996 Comparing Democracies: Elections and Voting in Global Perspective. With Lawrence Leduc and Richard Niemi. Thousand Oaks, CA/London: Sage. Pp.428. 3rd ed.

1995 Political Recruitment: Gender, Race and Class in the British Parliament. Co-authored with Joni Lovenduski. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp.317 ISBN: 9780521469616 Awarded the 2018 George H. Hallet prize by APSA for 'making a lasting contribution to the literature on representation and electoral systems.'

1994 Different Voices, Different Roles: Women and Politics in the United States and Europe. With Marianne Githens and Joni Lovenduski. New York: Harper Collins/Longmans. Pp.277.       

1993 Gender and Party Politics. With Joni Lovenduski. London: Sage. Pp.358.

1993 British Elections and Parties Yearbook, 1993. With David Denver, Colin Rallings and David Broughton. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press. Pp.242.

1992 British Elections and Parties Yearbook, 1992. With Ivor Crewe, David Denver and David Broughton. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press. Pp. 267.

1991 British Elections and Parties Yearbook, 1991. With Ivor Crewe, David Denver and David Broughton. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press. Pp. 312.                 

1990. British By-Elections: The Volatile Electorate. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Pp. 263.

1986 Politics and Sexual Equality: The Comparative Position of Women in Western Democracies. Harvester Wheatsheaf, Sussex; Lynne Reinner, Colorado, USA. Pp. 216.